Friday 30 November 2018

Wanderings of Mind


The deep sky blue
the lush green view
Looking out of the window
I mistakenly type lambda, instead of a mu!

Stealing minutes from the assignment,
yet clinging to the confinement
I let my mind wander off awhile
believing its promise
that it will work better
once back from the freer mile!

Here I see a chaotic group of crows
flying in pandemonium
in unsystematic, disorderly rows
There I spot a blissful family of parrot
living the present,
unconcerned of the tarot
The moving clouds with slowest pace
oblivious to any materialistic race
the occasional sight of a flying plane
steer me towards a slower lane
The rustling of leaves sound
is all I need to cause the rebound!

Alas, Someone from within shouts!
I have caused multiple time outs!
The wandering time is over long back
I need to focus, tune to the assignment track
Well, otherwise I will miss the deadline
Is it better to lean in or just recline?

Saturday 21 April 2018

A Wrong Number

Yesterday, I dialed up a wrong number
My bad, I held it unexpectedly longer
The connection had jitter
but the voice on the other side was sweet
so I persisted even when it sounded bitter!

Anticipating a relatable familiarity,
Any oddities, classifying as mere peculiarity
I thought its the right number to dial
But it turned out that
The strange voice with right connect
was another prank out of destiny's trial!

Came the moment I realized
to a wrong number I had connected the call,
Till that time, it was so powerful
it could disrupt routine, bring life to stall,
Disconnected it as fast I could
fearing a huge bill
apprehensive I stood.

A costly wrong number call
incurred a huge bill, I had to pay for
but a queer experience in return
to build character of strength,
resetting the boundaries of concern.

Alas, the wrong number is a story now
Glad even if a bit late, I realized somehow
that yesterday, I indeed dialed up a wrong number
My bad, I held it unexpectedly longer!

Friday 20 April 2018

The Flickering Light

A flickering light from far,
enters my window ajar,
transiently lighting up the room,
then eloping away,
submitting itself to the darkened gloom!

Hence continues the play of light and dark,
flickering significance of philosophical mark
Light is the joy, the short lived flicker
Darkness, the unwelcomed time ticker
Hope, the occasional spark
Dismay, the inescapable, O Hark!

May the flickering light hail
keep the beat, even if its frail
For flicker is what is life
in a world where darkness is rife
Flicker is hope
Flicker is light
the erratic illumination
fighting this night!

Sunday 18 February 2018

The Voice in the Head

Finally, The voice in the head could extort few minutes out of my packed schedule, invincible even after repeated dismissals. After hounding every type of role within for a while, it could finally get the ingenuous writer heed to it.
Sidelining the dramatized portrayal above, It took me a lot of time to convince myself that I need to write this. Amidst several pressures (some self created obviously, not trying to blame it all on circumstance) past few days have landed me in a mesh of thoughts which I am struggling to unentangle; left me trapped in a perpetual system of worry, denial and self-assurance. It has set me running back and forth through the corridors of self-criticality, where I am tiptoeing with fear and anxiety. Animating all possible scenarios which can happen in a world running on Murphy's law! A promising, almost-complete state of Rubik's cube which goes badly haywire in the end to align just few more squares. Was it more sensible to publish your results in the nearly-perfect state and make peace with your current capabilities, than to push yourself higher to strive for an all perfect Rubik's cube? The unsettling voice in the head doesn’t have an answer!

I am planning to end this writing here, since the flow of thoughts have ceased at this point and voice in the head has mellowed down. Also, I realize sometimes things are best left incomplete, open-ended. The way life strands us in middle of nowhere! Its no absolute law to end each write-up in a proper fashion, converging towards a mindful conclusion.

Concluding Thought : There was no powerful a tool than Retrospect, if only we had time machine!

Thursday 1 February 2018

Rantings at the peaceful Night Sky

An empty sky beckons me,
few stars here and there
twinkle intermittently
flickering in hopeless stare

The sky's a crystal ball
beholding within it
foretelling the future of all
How will you perform tomorrow?
How will you manage this sorrow?
Are you worthy of your dreams?
Have you toiled enough
to prove your candidature,
or its mere expectations
exceeding efforts
of a growing phony stature?

Is the future dark or bright
or again the demons of past
will indulge in,
what could have been possibly right
You fall short
when its time to
prove the mettle,
A sole Baggage of regrets
with which
you have an entire life to settle!

Rantings of an unstable soul
sometimes wise,
sometimes hard to console
A night sky is the ultimate companion
with thoughts haywire
emotions brownian,
Its abysmal depth
is what will absorb the low,
give out hint of hope
like its subtle starry glow!